Sunday, February 26, 2012

Highlight Your Own Hair at Home and Save Money

You may not realize it, but you really do not have to go to a salon just to get salon hair.  Not getting your hair professionally colored, cut, or highlighted will save money!  Through trial and error over the years, I've learned how to a number of tasks at home.  I cut my own split ends, and if I decide I want bangs, I can cut those, too.  I've also colored my hair numerous times at home.  I've never really had an issue doing coloring my hair ever.  It is easy and inexpensive.  My only hair issues I've ever experienced has been bleaching my own hair or adding my own highlights.

However, you can add your own highlights at home.  You need to just consider it a challenge and give yourself a long time... maybe a couple of hours... to do the procedure.  Be careful, be patient, and expect a few imperfections.  What I've learned is even if you go to the salon, even the folks there usually make a mistake or two.  I haven't talked to anyone whose gone to a salon and walked away 100% satisfied with their highlights.  It is always a little uneven or a little too blonde or slight blotchy or whatever.  It happens no matter what.  So why not save your money and do it yourself?

Since your hair won't be perfect anyway, do yourself a favor and highlight it at home.  You need to just pay about $12 to get a hairpainting kit.  For more instructions and photos, check out this hub on highlighting your hair at home.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Why Kmart is Failing

Kmart is kind of a tough store to find now.  It is not in that many locations, and sometimes if you can find it, the location is not in an ideal spot where you want to shop.  Since it is such a challenge finding a Kmart, I had not been there in years.  Imagine my delight to see a Kmart again when I went to a different shopping center about 10 miles away from my home.

I will admit, I was pretty excited to see Kmart.  I remember all the time fun times I had shopping at Kmart as a child.  I remember the Blue Light Specials.  There used to be something special about Kmart.  However, all that has changed.

The Kmart I went into over the weekend was cramped, oddly arranged, and hardly had any staff working there.  Mind you, this might just be that particularly Kmart, so I can let that slide.  However, I cannot let the prices slide.

I found a number of items like juice and paper products to be very overpriced.  Not only are Walmart's and Target's prices much better, in many instances, even grocery store prices are better.  I was just not seeing the Kmart low prices I expected.  How is a discount store supposed to thrive when it really isn't discounted?

For this reason, I believe Kmart is failing.  I was disappointed that the store I once loved as child is no longer the wonderful place I once knew.  The deals simply are  not what they once were.  From now on, I will no longer look back and long for the opportunity to shop at Kmart.  Instead, I know I am better off going to Walmart and Target.  I am sorry Kmart. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bath and Body Works President's Day Sale

If you are interested in saving money at Bath and Body Works, it is a good idea to go this weekend.  Bath and Body Works is having a big President's Day sale.  Some of the main bargains you can get are:

Buy 3 get 3 free for anything in the Signature Collection

2 for $5 small candles

2 for $10 medium candles

There are also a number of other deals at the store this weekend.  If you have a coupon, you can use that along with the current bargains.  If you've been to Bath and Body Works recently, you probably already have a 20 % off coupon.  Now is the time to use it.

Bath and Body Works has a number of spring scents in the store.  Some of the spring scents include Pink Chiffon, Paris Amour, and Carried Away from the Signature Collection.  For candles, you can buy scents like Spring, First Bloom, and Flower Shop.  Check it out this weekend!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Have Yourself a Low-Budget Valentine's Day!

Let's face it, most of us don't even really like Valentine's Day.  Somehow, someway, we still get talked into celebrating it.  This year, forget about really celebrating Valentine's Day!  Why not do some low-budget stuff at home instead?

You can listen to some nice anti-love songs for Valentine's Day.  Why bother finding someone to celebrate with when you can celebrate by listening to cheating songs, weird love songs, and break-up songs.  It might be the most fun you'll have on Valentine's Day.

If you don't want to mope by yourself, how about getting some cheap, fun stuff at Target with your friends?  Perhaps you'd like to shop for cheesy, low-budget Valentine's Day items at Claire's.  Better yet, you can always go to the dollar store and go crazy buying loads of cheap candy.  Just sit around after shopping, and you and your single friends can go crazy with the calories.  Good times!

I mean, you could actually decide to do something productive like go to work.  Of course, that is not really a celebration.  That is more like torture.  By hey, you've got to make money to pay all those bills, right?  Right!  You can also just celebrate at home with a nice dinner, or hang out with your pets, or stalk your exes online.  There are are so many options when it comes to Valentine's Day!

So just remember, Valentine's Day is really just like any other day.  If it were an actual holiday, we wouldn't have to go to work.  So don't get too carried away!  Go crazy at the dollar store or hang out at home.  Keep it simple and low-budget!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Finding Extra Money

It is that time of year when we all start to feel kind of bummed out because the bills are coming in from Christmas spending.  Many of us couldn't afford to buy gifts in the first place, so now figuring out how to pay for what was purchased is a pain.  It might be time to think of ways to bring in more money.

The first way many Americans think of bringing in more cash is by filing taxes.  If you are one of those lucky people that is getting a lot back from taxes, good for you.  If you are somebody that is going to have to pay your taxes, well now, you have a whole new problem.  So on to plan B.

For many of us, finding a new job that pays better than our current job is not even an option.  I've been looking for a better paying job for about a year now and still can't find one.  I am someone with a lot of experience and a college degree, and still no luck.  The best advice I can give is finding a second job.  It can be a real drag, but it can be done.

Luckily, due to tax season and refunds, many people start spending money again in the spring.  This means stores are willing to hire people.  I suggest taking a second job at the mall or at a store if possible.  You might not think you have the extra time to do it, but since you are so broke (I mean, you are reading this blog, aren't you?) you probably don't have the money to go out and do anything fun.  So I would suggest giving a second job a try, at least for a little while.

You also do not have to necessarily work outside of your home for a second a job.  Did you know you can make money blogging, or answering questions, or writing articles?  It is possible!  You won't get rich quick, but you can sign up for Google Adsense or Amazon Affiliates and start making money.  There are several sites like Blogger, HubPages, and WebAnswers that will allow you to earn money in your spare time if you enjoy writing.

Last but not least, don't give up on trying to make money just by looking around your home.  Is there an old couch you are not using?  Are you never going to drag out that old computer monitor to use again at your house?  What about making crafts and selling them?  There are plenty of items you can probably sell right now.  The weather is getting warmer and you can think about a yard sale.  You can also sell at a craft fair.  Even if you don't feel like doing any of that, you can still post items on Craigslist.  So don't give up hope!

There are ways to pull in extra money and we can sure all need it right now.  And never forget, always look for sales and coupons to help save extra cash at the grocery stores!  Every penny adds up!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Walmart Etiquette

For those of you that love a good bargain, you have probably found yourself shopping at Walmart on numerous occasions.  If so, you've probably learned some people are extremely rude.  Let's face it - some people act like they were never taught manners a day in their lives.  And those people shop at Walmart. 

I do want to say, at least 75% of the people that shop at Walmart are normal, bargain shopping customers like everyone else.  Probably more than 75% most of the time.  However, there are the people that give Walmart a bad reputation.  If you are one of those people, yet you don't realize it, let me break it down for you.

When you are shopping at Walmart, do you:
  1. Run into anyone with a cart?
  2. Take up an entire aisle with a cart?
  3. Block an entire aisle with a crew of people?
  4. Stand around gossiping with your neighbor in an aisle?
  5. Talk too loud on your cell phone?
  6. Have loud conversations that involve too much drama?
  7. Block others from getting simple items like bread or socks?
  8. Leave dressing rooms too messy?
  9. Yell at people from dressing rooms?
  10. Leave the public restroom looking totally disgusting?
  11. Bring rowdy children with you that destroy the store?
  12. Stand in the Express Line with 50 items?
  13. Wear pajamas or fuzzy slippers while shopping?
If any of these things sound like you, well then, you are an annoying Walmart customer.  While you are looking for your awesome, low-priced deals, you need to attempt to act like a civilized person.  If you want to learn more on the many rules of Walmart shopping etiquette, or for that matter, shopping etiquette in general, please check out the links below:

Walmart Shopping Etiquette 101
Dressing Room Etiquette 101
Women's Public Restroom Etiquette 101
Checkout Line Etiquette 101
Shopping Mall Etiquette 101