Monday, May 30, 2011

Don't Feel the Burn!

I am all about saving money.  Instead of going on a real vacation, whenever you can find a free pool, why not go there?  Here is something you should not try to save money on - sunblock!  I was barely out at all yesterday, but I look like a giant lobster.  Even worse is how badly my legs are swollen.  I can barely walk because it hurts so bad. 

So don't go too crazy when laying out in the sun.  And do yourself a favor and buy some decent sunblock.  At least I don't have to work today.  There is no way I could do it.  Obviously, I am not saving money if I can't work.  So be careful in the sun!

The back of my legs got it the worst!  My legs are not even that big; they are swollen.  YUCK!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Be Nice and Contribute

I have a pet peeve that I need to share.  I am a pretty hospitable person and sometimes people will stay with me for a weekend or even as much as a week.  As we know, I am not made of money.  I really do not mind people eating my food or watching my TV or even sleeping on the futon for a while.  What I do mind is when people do not contribute to anything.

I ask anyone reading this, if you are visiting a friend or relative, please contribute to the food stash or contribute in some way.  If the person you are visiting absolutely refuses to accept anything, then do not insist.  Maybe send them a nice thank you gift later.  If you are staying with someone that asked you to visit because they needed help in some way, then you are not required to give them anything.  However, if you are staying with someone, especially if you need a place to stay for some reason, do not freeload!

I am pretty broke most of the time.  Some people do not understand when they visit someone and use items in their home, that means the items must be replenished sooner.  Let me give you an example.  I live by myself and I work at an office a lot; therefore, I am not home too much and only use about one roll of toilet paper a week.  When people stay with me, especially if they are using my bathroom while I work and they hang out on my couch, I go through two or three rolls of toilet paper that week.  That might seem petty, but when every penny counts, so does every other little item.  So now, imagine everything else in my home going at that rate: toilet paper, paper towels, tissue paper, napkins, milk, fruit, cheese, juice, coffee, soda, etc.   The list goes on and on.  Not to mention, a TV and other items that use electric typically runs more often when guests visit.

I am not trying to be petty; I am just saying everything adds up.  Some people live with other people.  They constantly have roommates, a significant other, parents, or whatever, and the expenses are shared or taken care of by someone else.  Or perhaps some people are lucky and do not live check to check.  So maybe some people do not realize how these things add up.  I do.  So please take what I've mentioned into consideration next time you stay with someone else. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Low Budget Furniture

Do you need to furnish an apartment?  Are you having problems finding furniture that is within a low-budget price range?  Have no worries!  You can buy a futon and have a real piece of furniture!

A futon is great because not only can you use it like it's a couch, you can use it as a bed.  It is probably one of the most useful pieces of furniture you can buy.  The best part is a futon frame and mattress typically run between $100 - $200 for the entire setup.  It is perfect for apartments, houses, and dorms.

To read more about the futon, please click on the link: 5 Reasons Why You Should Own a Futon

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Atlantic City Day Trips

I've been thinking a lot about vacations lately.  Mostly because I think I really need to go on one!  If you are looking for a bargain trip, I would like to recommend Atlantic City.  Now I know what you are thinking.  You think Atlantic City is all about gambling and that is just not true. 

Atlantic City has a beach, an amusement park, an aquarium, arcades, games, an awesome boardwalk, beautiful mall, outlet stores, and so much more!  It is possible to be entertained in Atlantic City for an entire day without ever going in a casino.  So why not take a day trip there? 

Plenty of states that surround New Jersey offer low budget bus tours.  People travel to Atlantic City on day trips often for only $25 to $40 for a round trip.  Part of this is to promote the casinos.  You pay for your bus trip and you usually receive a voucher for about $25 or $30 to spend in the casinos.  Sometimes you will even get a meal voucher.  It is a great deal.  If you don't like to gamble, give the voucher to someone else.  Personally, I usually spend just the voucher and go on my way.  One year, I actually won $200 and never even spent the entire voucher.  Yes, that was a good trip. 

So if you want to go on a day trip and you do not want to spend a lot, you should consider Atlantic City.  If you live in Baltimore, here is a helpful article:

Friday, May 6, 2011

Penny Pinching

What would a bargain blog be without a post about pinching pennies - literally.  How often do you walk along and see a penny on the sidewalk?  Pretty often, right?  How many times do you really pick it up?  Chances are, you do not.  If you don't, you should.  I daresay you need to start picking up all change when you see it.

Back in the good old days, before the economy crumbled apart, I used to walk by change on sidewalks all the time.  Now, I have been known to wade through a puddle to get a dime.  Change may not seem like much, but if you save enough of it you can use it to buy food.  You never know when you are going to be 20 cents short and not able to buy a loaf of bread.  So when you see change, grab it and save it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Living Cheap While Living in Maryland

Do you want to go on a vacation?  Of course you do!  Do you live in Maryland?  Well, maybe yes and maybe no.  But I'll bet you would like to go on a vacation if you are in Maryland.  Sadly, a good percentage of us can't afford to go on a vacation.  Have no worries!  There are plenty of low-budget vacation spots in Maryland. 

 You can go to Ocean City or Chesapeake Beach or D.C.  For more information, you can visit:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shop for Cheap at the Mall!

Some people will tell you there are no good deals at the mall.  Wrong!  I shop at the mall all the time, and let's get real, I am totally stingy!  If I say you can get some good deals at the mall, then you can. 

Some of the stores with the best bargains are:

H & M
New York & Company
The Icing

You can check out my hub for more information: