Tuesday, September 27, 2011

$5 Movie Bin at Walmart

If you are looking to save some money, but you'd like to be entertained, now is the time to shop at Walmart.  Currently, they are running a $5 movie special.  You can get many different DVDs for just $5 a piece.  And no, I am not talking about the crummy movies no one wants to watch.  Now is the time to stock up on some favorites.

Some of the horror movies now available for $5 on DVD at Walmart are:

The Shining
Scream 2
Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2 set

So if you would like to watch some good horror movies this year for Halloween at a low price, you need to visit Walmart.  I am sure the best movies are going fast!

There are also some family favorites like Milo & Otis and The Sandlot, but honestly, I did not pay as much attention to them.  After all, Halloween is coming up and you need to stock up on your scary movies.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nutella - No So Expensive After All

My newest food obsession is now Nutella.  If you are not familiar with it, it is a hazelnut and cocoa spread.  Instead of using peanut butter on a sandwich, you can use Nutella.

For many years, I wanted to try Nutella but I was never able to because of the price.  Finally, Nutella's price has gone down and it is reasonable to buy.  Now that I've tasted it, I can't ever imagine how I lived without it.  The taste is very similar to the chocolate and hazelnut candy called Ferraro Rocher. 

The best thing about Nutella is you can use it for sandwiches.  I make a Nutella and jelly sandwich many days for work now.  This is perfect if you are bored with peanut butter and jelly.  When I am very broke, I find myself eating only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for work each day.  This is not by choice; this is only because it is all I can afford.

If you are in the same position stuck and bored with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I recommend giving Nutella a try.  It might really help your boring sandwich become more interesting.  For now, the price of Nutella is just under $3 at Walmart and $3 at Target.  Yes, that is slightly more expensive than peanut butter, but it is worth it if you might actually enjoy lunch each day.  Also, sometimes you even come across $1 off coupons for Nutella, so it makes the price even better.  So give Nutella a try!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dress for Halloween with No Money and No Effort

Spending as little money as possible at Halloween is always a great goal.  However, sometimes it can be tough doing just that.  How can you have a creative costume without much money?  Even better, how can you create a costume without putting much effort into it?

The simple answer is: create a '90s Gen X outfit this year for Halloween.  I know what you are thinking... the '80s were so much more fun!  Well, sure they were.  They were also more expensive.  People took the time to have nice hair and cute outfits.  If you are broke, you need to go with a grunge look.  Since you are broke, you will also not have a tough time looking bummed out or full of angst.  You are probably already feeling that way, except unlike the 1990s, your feelings are now totally justified.  Dealing with this economy will bring anyone down!

So check out: Creating Your Own 1990s Halloween Costume.  It features tips and some YouTube videos from the past that might just inspire you.